Recent Articles

A Tale of Two Brains- Cortical localization and neurophysiology in the 19th and 20th century
Rates of Preschool Vision Exams in Toronto and the Effects of Immigration and Socioeconomic Status
Matthew Dankner - Dual MAPK inhibition in a subset of BRAF mutant melanomas
Deep Learning: A New Horizon for Personalized Treatment of Depression?
4th Annual Family Medicine Research Day
Devin Abrahami - DPP-4 inhibitors and incidence of IBD among patients with DMII
Scientific Writing Workshop
A comparative cadaveric biomechanical analysis of the differences between dynamic external traction devices for PIP joint fracture dislocation
14th Annual Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health Student Research Day
Paul Savage - A Targetable EGFR-Dependent Tumor-Initiating Program in Breast Cancer
Omalizumab Treatment for Severe Atopic Asthma in a Real World Montréal Cohort
Neurotized latissimus dorsi flap: functional lower limb coverage in subacute trauma reconstruction
Québec’s Emergency Room Overcrowding and Long Wait Times: Don’t Apply “Band-Aids”, Treat the Underlying Disease!
Small Town, Big Picture
A Reflection on Longitudinal Family Medicine


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A Tale of Two Brains- Cortical localization and neurophysiology in the 19th and 20th century
26 September 2018 | Philippe-Antoine Bilodeau
Others have described the importance of experimental physiology in the development of the brain sciences and the individual discoveries by the founding fathers of modern neurology. This paper instead discusses the birth of neurological sciences in the 19th and 20th century and their epistemological origins.

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Rates of Preschool Vision Exams in Toronto and the Effects of Immigration and Socioeconomic Status
11 September 2018 | Omri A Arbiv, Heather Dunlap, Anand Bery, Wynn Peterson, Stacey Chong, Aaron Chan, Eli Kisilevsky, Emily Wright, Kamiar Mireskandari
Vision exams can detect eye abnormalities in young children. There is scant data about the proportion of Canadian children receiving vision exams and the barriers to preventive vision care.

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Matthew Dankner - Dual MAPK inhibition in a subset of BRAF mutant melanomas
10 September 2018 | Russel Yanofsky, Eric Sonke
In this episode, we're joined by MD/PhD student Matthew Dankner to discuss his paper "Dual MAPK inhibition is an effective therapeutic strategy for a subset of class II BRAF mutant melanoma" published in the June 2018 issue of Clinical Cancer Research.

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Deep Learning: A New Horizon for Personalized Treatment of Depression?
26 June 2018 | David A Benrimoh, Sonia Israel, Robert Fratila, Kelly Perlman
Globally, depression affects over 300 million people at any given time and is the leading cause of disability. While different patients may benefit more from different therapies, there is no principled way for clinicians to predict individual patient responses or side effect profiles.

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4th Annual Family Medicine Research Day
19 June 2018 | Family Medicine Research Day
This special conference proceedings issue of the McGill Journal of Medicine features the top 16 abstracts from the 4th Annual Family Medicine Research day jointly hosted by the Family Medicine Graduate Student Society and the Research Division of the Department of Family Medicine held on May 30, 2018 at Thomson House.

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Devin Abrahami - DPP-4 inhibitors and incidence of IBD among patients with DMII
16 May 2018 | Russel Yanofsky, Eric Sonke
On this episode we're very grateful to have interviewed PhD candidate Devin Abrahami, the first author of the paper "Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors and incidence of inflammatory bowel disease among patients with type 2 diabetes: population based cohort study" published in the March 2018 issue of the British Medical Journal.

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Scientific Writing Workshop
24 April 2018 | MJM Editorial Team
The MJM will present an overview of the publishing process and technical writing tips to help you get your article published. Food will be provided!

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A comparative cadaveric biomechanical analysis of the differences between dynamic external traction devices for PIP joint fracture dislocation
18 April 2018 | Stephanie Thibaudeau, Julian Diaz-Abele, Mario Luc
No study in the literature has compared different external distractors for proximal interphalangeal joint (PIPJ) injury. We compared an elastic based device described by Suzuki et al. to a 2-pin model described by Hynes and Giddins in non-injured cadaveric fingers.

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14th Annual Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health Student Research Day
16 March 2018 | EBOH: Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health
Selected abstracts from the 14th Annual Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health Student Research Day, hosted by the Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health Student Society on March 16, 2018 at the Montreal Neurological Institute.

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Paul Savage - A Targetable EGFR-Dependent Tumor-Initiating Program in Breast Cancer
11 March 2018 | Russel Yanofsky, Eric Sonke
Paul Savage is an MD-PhD student in the lab of Dr. Morag Park at the Goodman Cancer Research Centre in Montreal, Canada. In this episode, we discuss his latest article published in the October 2017 edition of Cell Reports.

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Omalizumab Treatment for Severe Atopic Asthma in a Real World Montréal Cohort
16 January 2018 | David Haile-Meskale, Ron Olivenstein, Toby Mcgovern, Cathy Fugere, James G. Martin
Severe atopic asthma is poorly controlled with standard treatments, including optimally dosed corticosteroids. A humanized monoclonal antibody binding immunoglobulin E, omalizumab, is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration to treat poorly controlled asthma with elevated serum IgE levels.

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Neurotized latissimus dorsi flap: functional lower limb coverage in subacute trauma reconstruction
20 December 2017 | Julie Chakriya Kvann, Stephanie Thibaudeau, Alain Joe Azzi, Teeanoosh Zadeh
In the reconstruction of the mangled lower extremity, muscle flaps are well known for their reliable use in soft tissue coverage, however, very few reports document their functional reconstruction potential as neurotized muscle flaps. This case illustrates that free neurotized latissimus dorsi flaps are a good option for long-term functional reconstruction in the mangled lower extremity.

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Québec’s Emergency Room Overcrowding and Long Wait Times: Don’t Apply “Band-Aids”, Treat the Underlying Disease!
03 November 2017 | Svetlana Puzhko
A report by Québec Health and Welfare commissioner Robert Salois, released on June 2, 2016, stated the obvious: our province has “the worst emergency [department] (ED) wait times in the Western world”.

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Small Town, Big Picture
03 November 2017 | Kevin Gorsky and Tyler Safran
Time moves a bit slower in the countryside. The people are friendly, neighbours look out for one another, and denizens are grateful for the miles that separate them from the high-octane hustle of city life. When a city-slicker tries to integrate into this new world, certain dichotomies quickly become apparent.

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A Reflection on Longitudinal Family Medicine
03 November 2017 | Alyssa Smith, Lucy Shum, Burnett Johnson
During their first year of medical school McGill students take part in the Longitudinal Family Medicine Experience program.